Category Archives: Photos

Genie doing what Genie does

My darling Genie dances to her own tune. She delights in tormenting the other dogs, and in particular stealing the frisbee from Jolt, who is the most serious and earnest dog I know. I’m always thinking that if Genie’s powers could only be used for good… She’s super-fast and has the quickest eye in the bunch, and can beat out my fast Border collie when the game is in it for her.

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Zip goes to sheep

Finally, at age 3-1/2 years, Zip got to go to sheep. Yes, she did meet them at about 6 months of age, and was wonderful, but she’s been busy since then… or not… anyway, she’s now in Sheep 101 and is “into it.” Maybe. She does tend at times to wander astray, but I think there’s something about the scary beasties out there that worries her. Time will tell, as they say.

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