Tag Archives: Agility training

Weave training – Joon – day #2

Today we switched to the other side of the poles from yesterday, mostly to orient her away from a tunnel that she actually ignored yesterday. I’ll move the weaves for our next session. We should move them regularly. The video shows today’s effort and progress. Joon’s goal was to enter between the first and second poles (second pole invisible at this camera angle), and to throw the toy only when she passed between the two poles. My tasks were to

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Joon’s learning to weave

It’s been a long time, but I have an opportunity to work with this girl. Ken took the two young ‘unsĀ  (Genie and Zip) on a road trip for a week or so, and it’s my assignment to teach Joon to weave. I’ve chosen to teach her using the 2 x 2 method, since it doesn’t require another person to start the dog, and I’ve had a pretty good success rate with it. Today was step #1. Lately, Karen Stinnett

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Jumping Genie

Genie is not a good jumper. It’s one of those things I need to work on with her constantly. She gets a-runnin’ and takes off early. Then she sprouts her (invisible) wings and s t r e t c h e s over the jump. Ann Hereford captured her doing one of these jumps at a DGOTC agility run-thru in the end of August. I love this photo, but the fact that she’s just barely over the jump and on

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Tuck is a working dog!

Tuck’s mom claims he has no work ethic, that he works entirely for cookies. Granted, this is not the fastest kid on the block, but with extreme patience and persistence, Linda has helped him make enormous achievements. He was shy, hid behind Linda’s legs or under her chair during class, kept to the far end of the leash whenever I held him, didn’t want to jump, or enter tunnels … He is now outgoing in class (has a true love

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When Pigs Fly – a seminar

I audited a Jane Killion seminar a couple of weeks ago at Love on a Leash in Harrisonburg VA. Just received the book yesterday from Amazon (should have read it before so I’d know what to ask, hate to ask questions that are covered in a book that I should have read). Jane was wonderful. Maybe I’ll always be impressed by the experts. Maybe? Certainly. They are experts, of course. That’s why we pay them the big bucks for the

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