Author Archives: Averill

Today is the first day of …

What is your dog doing right now?  OK, good, she’s lying on her bed, being quiet, maybe even sleeping.  So you have time to read this short post. Your dog has the self-assigned task of watching you all day, every day, as long as you are in the same space. This is how she knows when it’s time to go for a walk, when dinner is going to be served, when you are preparing to leave for a while –

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Doggy Ghost Stories

I was just reading Darcie’s blog at and it got me thinking about my own special doggie loss and its sequelae. Frenzy was an Australian shepherd that I shepherded into this world with the able assistance of her mother Luna. From the earliest days in the litter box she stood out – she had incredibly violet eyes that would bore into you. She was also very cute and very funny; even in a world of funny Aussie puppies she

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Life Goes On, Musings in LA

So here it is October 17 and I haven’t blogged since June, and so many of my submissions were photos… lazy me! I am vacationing in Los Angeles, visiting my daughter Dafna who, in addition to being an incredible person, is an amazing acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. I’ve been here one week, which means one week without dogs. Considering that I’ve lived my past 40-some years in the company of canines, dozens of them, this is quite a phenomenon. Dafna

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