Monthly Archives: June 2010

Daemon’s Travail, Chapter 2

June 1 PM Ken went in to see Daemon this evening. The dog is being totally spoiled by everyone at that facility. He’ll probably weigh 300 pounds when he comes home! Yesterday afternoon Dr. B had Linda call me to say that Daemon’s limbs were now stiff instead of flaccid, and he said that to him that was a good sign. So if it’s a good sign for Dr. B it’s a good sign for me. Hoping for continued improvement!

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Daemon’s Travail, Chapter 1

Daemon will be 13 on July 1, 2010. Under normal circumstances, that’s plenty of cause for celebration. But with the recent complications to Daemon’s life, it’s more than special. On Sunday morning, May 30, I got up at 5 AM and let the dogs out of their crates and into the yard. Daemon was lying on his side in his crate and didn’t move. I ascertained that he was indeed still among the living and surmised that he was sleeping

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